Home Staging & Interior Decorating in Barrie - New Leaf Decor

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Cats n’ Clutter

Let me preface this blog post by declaring “I’m a cat person” I also have my fair share of clutter! However, when selling your home, you must appeal to the broadest potential range of buyers. And that means buyers who may have pet allergies and no imagination when it comes to seeing past your stuff.

I know it can be incredibly hard to keep a home spotless when you actually have to live in it during the selling process and that’s why being prepared can save you time as well as reduce stress. Follow these tips to ensure success:

•Pack away what you can live without. This frees up closet and cabinet space

•Create stash spots in closets and cabinets for items you use on a daily basis so when you have a showing, you can be ready quickly.

•All storage should be stored off site if possible. Basement or garage can be used if off site is not an option.

•Out of site is out of mind. Get rid of all pet related items. It’s not enough to just remove the pets for showings. Remove all of the pet dishes, toys, beds, litter boxes etc. I suggest getting a large cardboard box for the garage to place all the pet items in while you have a showing. No one is going to look inside a cardboard box in the garage, so your secret is safe!
•Some buyers have a real aversion to cats, if they see evidence that a cat lives in the home, they will start seeking out cat urine damage. The mind can play tricks on us and the mere suggestion of pet damage can suddenly make us think we smell it. It’s best to not even leave a trace of evidence! Have someone come in, walk around, and let you know if there are any trace odors. We do become nose blind in our own homes.

ideally the entire home selling process will be over quickly and you can resume a normal existence in your new home surrounded by your beloved cats n’ clutter. 😻